Although this blog is updates with Ryder, It’s important to also include full exposure of not just the wonderful things that has come out of all this so far; but the struggles to get there. 
As the founder of this non profit, and taking the  ideas to realization; actually watching it grow and  take on a life of its own is so satisfying. 
Our board members, including myself are volunteers. There are no financial gains. It was always important to have board members that cared about the cause, not those paid to care. 
We also stayed away from corporate sponsorship because of the something for nothing paradox. Policies and mandates tend to change upon agreeing to corporate sponsorship. For example keeping a free program free.
It’s obviously not all about the money to us. Yet in the same breath we understand it takes money to run a non profit. Especially if you want to really reach out to do something big, and impactful to a community that needs it the most. We wouldn’t have known the special needs community in Red Deer didn’t have a special place to play until a member of our family was diagnosed with autism. But we acted. Maybe in some ways blindly. But always pushing forward to make it better than it is now. 
With true transparency the disappointment came with the lack of support from the same community we are trying to help. We are realistic, and didn’t expect a fifty thousand dollar check from an anonymous donor to show up unexpectedly. But to not receive any support from the very community that will benefit from this is disheartening…. Full disclosure right? 
First thought was to quit. Second thought was to just charge admission to recoup the loan it would take to open the playground. The mind goes to anger and panic first. But long ago I swore not allow the state of the world and other people change who I am. Yes logic kicked in. 
It didn’t seem the right move to get myself into debt with a loan. 
So where do we go from here? We are still substantially short in getting a retail space to hold both the boutique and the playground. 
We do, however have everything we need to open the boutique and almost enough money for the smaller space rental. 
We would raise the money through the boutique… in time… to open the playground; free as planned. 
It’s not optimal but it’s still staying on track and moving forward regardless of the roadblocks. 
We realize everyone wants to hear about the butterflies and rainbows of non profit. But that’s reserved for the people we help. Our satisfaction comes from seeing we are making a difference. We are being the change. 
Deciding to put this in the blog instead of the front page was simple. Those who only want to read it will find it. I’ll keep the sunshine, butterflies and rainbows for everyone else. 
Keeping you updated. 🥴