Ryder will be starting the program next month! We are so excited for the little dude. More-so that he will be around other children his age. We have also enrolled him in Kindergarten for Fall. We have read about many horror stories in school from other parents. Especially with children who are non verbal. How are they to tell you that they are being picked on or bullied? OR how is he going to react as a non verbal to other children's aggression?  So many worries. So many unknowns.
Ryder has come such a long way. He potty trained no problem...mind you he decided this week that he would regress on that one. He helps stir when cooking and loves to wear his own apron. Eating and bedtime is a whiz and he sleeps through the night 6 out of 7 nights. Even thunder can't wake him when he sleeps.
Ryder has really been enjoying his sensory room, especially the climbing wall. He went from needing total assistance to reaching the top on his own in less than a week. Now he thinks he's a master climber and goes sideways and frontways and hangs holding on with only one arm. 
Sometimes he wants to go in and chill with the lights by himself, and other times it's a family gathering where he takes us all in, one by one and we sit watching the tube bubble light. He likes togetherness. He goes to sleep so much better when both mommy and daddy read him a book and tuck him in at night. When we let him choose a movie on the Disney channel by pointing at it, we likes if all four of us are squished together on the love seat.
Unfortunately, Ryder has a negative side. It is getting better (knock on wood) When he hears no, he will look for the closest thing to him and throw it or knock it over. Because I'm a minimalist, his points of attack are minimal and I can stop him before he gets to it. Upstairs however, he has had many things taken away until he stops the behavior. 
Once he has completed the program we will have more answers as well as resources to help Ryder move forward through life. This is such good news!  
I will keep you posted!